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Preferred Supplier Benefits

Why should a Supplier join Evergreen Supply Network? Access to a focused set of key distributors; the ability to leverage Evergreen Training & Education programs to supplement corporate efforts; the ability to develop a focused program with key distributors through Planning for Profit targeting new products or applications; to be part of the team; and to utilize Evergreen Marketplace powered with Savings4Members, which offers savings on services such as payroll processing, cellular phone service, office supplies and more.

Group of adult men in a shop learning



Leverage Training & Education Programs

Leverage Evergreen Training & Education programs to supplement corporate efforts. Supplier-sponsored training is the best way to ensure Distributors are knowledgeable and certified in areas of expertise that require the use of your company's products. Industry leaders and their people will become experts in using and selling your products. 

View Training Schedule




Planning for Profit Evergreen Marketing Group Badge



Planning for Profit

Evergreen Supply Network established Planning for Profit™ (PFP) as a first-to-market program that helps Members, Preferred Suppliers, and Manufacturing Reps create a solid plan for growth to achieve success in today's increasingly complex and competitive marketplace.

Planning for Profit





Savings 4 Members graphic


Evergreen Marketplace

With Savings4Members, Evergreen Supply Network Marketplace allows member distributors and suppliers to take advantage of savings on services such as payroll processing, cellular phone service, office supplies, and more.

Evergreen Marketplace




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