Our Mission
The mission of the Evergreen Supply Network (ESN), formerly the Evergreen Marketing Group, is to increase the profitability and market share of both members and preferred suppliers through a comprehensive marketing and training partnership.
This partnership helps Members provide high quality, value added products and services to their end-user customers.
We Invest in People
At Evergreen, we believe that the key to long-term success for independent distribution is the quality of their people. Consequently, we have established a comprehensive employee development program for our members - the only one of its kind in our industry.
Explore Benefits
Evergreen Supply Network is a select Member-owned cooperative founded in 1989 by six construction/industrial supply distributors. It currently consists of 50+ distributors with more than 350 locations in the United States and has combined revenues of over $4.5 billion.
The group is focused on driving growth and profitability of its Members and Preferred Suppliers through an on-going program of training & education, business development and partnering. Evergreen maintains a state-of-the-art, 17,000 square foot training center in Farmer’s Branch, Texas, and offers the industry’s only professional certification program for distributor sales and operations people.