Adding company representatives:
Site administrators can create company representatives who are admin and/or key contacts for the company by navigating to the company's profile and adding representatives from the existing user database.
1. Adminstrators can use the Corporate Memberships search feature to easily find the Member Distributor or Preferred Supplier they are adding company representatives for.
2. Once you find the company you'd like to update, click on the link so you are in the company profile.
3. Scroll down to the bottom of the profile and click on "Add/Edit Representatives".
4. You will be able to add and edit (as well as delete) Representatives here -
A. Use the auto-fill box to start typing in the username/email of the rep you would like to add to the company. **Note: this individual must already be added to the database to assign them as a rep!**
A. To add this individual as a Key Contact, select "Is Member Rep"
B. To add this individual as an Admin Contact, select "Is Dues Rep"
**Note: You may add them to both groups by leaving both boxes checked.**
C. "Save", or "save and add another". This automatically assigns them to their respective security groups of:
1. Member Distributor - Key Contacts
2. Member Distributor - Admin Contacts
3. Preferred Supplier - Key Contacts
4. Preferred Supplier - Admin Contacts