What is Evergreen Supply Network?

The Evergreen Supply Network, formerly Evergreen Marketing Group, is a cooperative of 42 independent construction and industrial tool distribution companies with 300 locations throughout the United States.

Evergreen Members work in partnership with more than 100 leading Suppliers of construction and industrial tools and equipment. 

Evergreen Preferred Suppliers are national companies widely recognized as leaders in their fields, providing the highest quality industrial products available. 

Working together, Evergreen distributor Members and Preferred Suppliers provide a broad range of high-quality construction and industrial tools, equipment, and services.


Why should I use Evergreen Supply Network Members as my source for construction and industrial tools and services? 

Selecting an Evergreen Supply Network Member to meet your construction and industrial tool and service requirements offers you several advantages.

First, by partnering with Preferred Suppliers, Evergreen Members can provide you with dependable, high-quality products from manufacturers you know and trust. Evergreen Members can also offer you a wide variety of products, so you have the freedom to choose the right item for your specific needs.

Furthermore, Evergreen Members can provide local technical support and personalized service that large corporations do not provide.

Evergreen Members and Preferred Suppliers are carefully selected to ensure you obtain excellent product warranties, timely delivery, and exceptional service.

In addition, many Evergreen Members provide a range of educational and technical services, including safety training, informational sessions regarding new regulations, and on-the-job product demonstrations designed to keep you up-to-date with advances in your field.

By working with Evergreen Members you can be assured of a broad selection of products, timely delivery, personalized service, and technical support wherever your next project may take you.


Contact the Evergreen Supply Network Member in your area or call us at 972.242.1600 for more information on the Evergreen Supply Network.

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