Finding, selecting and retaining great employees are the toughest jobs you face as an owner or manager. It’s made even tougher in good times when pretty much anyone who wants a job has a job. Evergreen has partnered with Ryan Dull of SageMark HR to assist members in this important management function. Ryan is the founder and principal of SageMark HR and has more than 20 years of experience leading HR, Talent Management and recruiting across many industries, such as Manufacturing, Financial Services, Insurance, Technology, Consumer Products, Food Production, Healthcare and Construction.

Working with Ryan, Evergreen is sponsoring a three-part series of one-hour webinars as a way to launch the group’s overall employee recruiting and retention initiative. These webinars are described below:

Session #1 -- Recruiting: Do you struggle to find good candidates for your openings? Are you concerned that your organization is not reaching enough potential candidates for openings? Is it taking too long for you to connect with candidates for openings? Finding candidates for open positions is a key element in a successful recruiting process and it has evolved significantly from the days of simply placing an ad and crossing your fingers. In this webinar you will learn about the latest trends in communicating your opportunities out to a broad spectrum of potential candidates. You will also learn some basic techniques on how to source your own candidates on LinkedIn.

Webinar Scheduled for: Monday, October 12 @ 3 p.m. Eastern

Session #2 -- Selection: Once you have interested candidates in the pipeline for your openings, how confident are you that you are making good hiring decisions. On average, companies make the right hiring decision only 50% of the time. Hiring mistakes are very costly! In this webinar learn how to use tools and techniques to get more information on candidates and make the right hiring decision. Organizations strengthening their selection process in 3 key areas have improved their hiring success rate from 50% to over 95%.

Webinar Scheduled for: Monday, October 19 @ 3 p.m. Eastern

Session #3 -- Onboarding: How does your organization welcome new hires and make sure they receive all the information they need to do their job well? Establishing a robust onboarding program for new hires is a critical component in getting them to maximum productivity quickly. In this webinar you will learn about the critical components of a good onboarding program and review some industry best practices.

Webinar Scheduled for: Monday, October 26 @ 3 p.m. Eastern

There is a limit of 25 students for this webinar series and once the series begins no other students will be allowed to join. The cost of the three webinars is $550.00 per person deducted from your 2015 training and education fund. Members may sign up in the Training Center at Login to Register

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